Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Sunday February 16th 2025

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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach


Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family’s Time and Minds?

Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family's Time and Minds? BY LINDA DOBSON We know those who hold the power and the money in today's education system would fear reform that puts children's education ahead of profit, prestige, convenience, and employment security. But what do we, the people, have to be afraid of if government loosens its [...]

What If…

What If... BY LINDA DOBSON What if we practiced the Golden Rule with children...all children? What if adults stopped trying to change each child's essence to make him fit into a quite confining mold of sameness as all others? What if our schools actually educated children, instead of programming them? What if we saved grading for eggs [...]

Why Homeschooling Isolation Is Such a Silly Myth

Why Homeschooling Isolation Is Such a Silly Myth   BY LINDA DOBSON When researchers got around to studying homeschooling children (that darn "education phenomenon" just won't go away!) they proved on paper what home educators already knew in their hearts - homeschooling works. There now exist enough studies to quiet even the most [...]

Homeschooling Critics Alive and Well

Homeschooling Critics Alive and Well BY LINDA DOBSON Thank goodness homeschooling critics don't get my goat like they used to. Now that I've had time to look back and reflect on what can only be called uninformed blathering, I can understand how folks were critical back in the 1980s when homeschooling was a new concept, and many of the critics [...]

A Good Education PRESERVES Your Child

A Good Education PRESERVES Your Child BY LINDA DOBSON All too often, when parents think about their children “being educated,” their thoughts travel toward, “Who can best do this thing (education) to my children?” If said parents are thorough and wise, they consider all of the many alternatives available to families today, from [...]

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