Product Reviews
Parent at the Helm’s product reviews are unbiased, non-monetary compensated reviews. Products may be
Provided as a free, complimentary review sample,
Received as a gift (from family, friends – not the producer or its salespeople),
Borrowed from family, friends in order to provide a review.
Opinions expressed in product reviews, and the products to which they are linked, are not endorsements, expressed or implied.
Parent at the Helm assumes no responsibility for solicited or unsolicited materials. Further, Parent at the Helm makes no promises to review any products businesses might deliver for review.
Product Reviews at Our Discretion
Parent at the Helm does not “give away” positive reviews. If you provide a product that doesn’t hold up to its promises, and/or is poorly manufactured, and/or does not, in the estimation of our reviewers, meet our standards, our reviewers will not provide a positive review, nor will Parent at the Helm publish a review at all. Reviewers are never asked to pretend to like a product.
Please also see information to be a sponsor.REVIEW PRODUCTS ARE NOT RETURNED
Parent at the Helm and its reviewers do not return products after the product reviews are written. This applies even if there are no product reviews of your material. All products submitted for review become the property of Parent at the Helm and/or its reviewers.
When we review your product, we’ll send you a link to the review. Additionally, all reviews are mentioned in our social networks. Publisher reserves the right to use product reviews in free content distribution.
How to Request a Product Review
Send an e-mail to info at parentatthehelm dot com
Place “Product Review Request” in subject line
Provide your name, e-mail address, how you found Parent at the Helm.
Provide a product description, target audience, and retail price of the product you wish to be reviewed.
Inform us if you would provide our readers with a non-expiring discount coupon/code.
Inform us if you would provide a product to be used as a prize in a giveaway for our readers.
Again, send your e-mail to: info at parentatthehelm dot com
Thank you for your interest in Parent at the Helm’s product reviews