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What’s Happening In the Name of Education

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What’s Happening In the Name of Education

By Linda Dobson

educationI know many parents are very busy people, sending children to school for an education because that’s where the professional educators are. Times, however, are rapidly deteriorating in the education world, just as they are in the greater world. Just as you need to keep your eye on inflation, rising food prices, pre-emptive war, unlimited borrowing and money printing, and the real unemployment rate, you need to know what is really happening in the name of education in order to protect your children.

Since you probably don’t have time to peruse a wide array of media all across the country, collected here for your convenience are links to the education stories I’ve received in last 24 hours. Read that again – just in the last 24 hours. It’s a snap shot of the state of schools. You decide how much it all has to do with the education you are hoping your children receive.

What’s Happening In the Name of Education

The School Says: Let ’em Eat Chicken Nuggets

“A preschooler at West Hoke Elementary School ate three chicken nuggets for lunch Jan. 30 because a state employee told her the lunch her mother packed was not nutritious.”

Kaleb Kula, 6th Grader with Autism, Bullied On Videotaped Beating at Maryland School Bus Stop

Troubling footage has surfaced of a student with autism being brutally beaten to the ground at his Maryland school bus stop while his peers stood by to watch — and catch the act on camera.

In the video, acquired by WMAR-TV, an unidentified student strikes 11-year-old Kaleb Kula in the head as other students cheer on.

“Yo, beat the sh– out of him!” one student yells. The video was later uploaded to Facebook.

Charter School Collecting Steep Disciplinary Fines From Low-Income Families

“An alternative school program championed by Mayor Rahm Emanuel is drawing ire from students and parents for collecting nearly $390,000 in disciplinary fines from low-income students for minor infractions like chewing gum or failing to make eye contact with teachers.”

Principal Takes Away Student Privileges After Small Fires

“A Concord High School principal has taken away privileges from all of the student body until officials catch who has been setting fires in trash cans in the last six days.” (No one is allowed in the halls for any reason…guess where the bathrooms are?)

See also, “12 Health Benefits of Homeschooling

2 Columbine High students hurt in hammer attack by girl, 14

“Two Columbine High School students were injured today in a hammer attack by a 14-year-old girl, according to news reports.

“Update at 4:45 p.m. ET: The teen suspect warned a school employee ahead of the attack, AP says.”

Wake Families Urge Schools Not to Shift Schedules

“Families have structured their lives around the current bell schedules,” Carter Thunes said in a survey response about starting Lufkin Road Middle 45 minutes later. “These bell schedules dictated when they got up, when they go to work, when doctor appointments could be scheduled, when homework could be done, when sports practices could be attended, when they ate dinner, and what time they needed to go to bed.” (Does the school schedule and calendar totally dictate your life?)

Where Education Is Actually Happening

Home-schooling Demographics Change, Expand

Kirchner favors jeans, and like the two dozen other families that are part of the year-old Homeschool Village Co-op in central New Jersey, she doesn’t consider herself to be particularly religious. “I was definitely not ready to hand over to anybody my 5-year-old, my baby,” she says. “I would hate to miss this. They grow too quickly.”

Go on, dear parent, read them. I don’t dare you; I beg you.

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2 Responses to “What’s Happening In the Name of Education”

  1. Karen says:

    As you’ve noted, this is just a FEW examples over the past 24 hours. Read your local paper, or possibly attend a BOE meeting….what’s being done in the name of education in your town, city or local public school?

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