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Parent at the Helm’s October 2011 Giveaway Winners
I just love sharing good news, and today’s good news are the names of the TWO winners of Parent at the Helm’s October 2011 Giveaway! From Family Time Fitness we have TWO annual subscriptions for fun family fitness!
See also “Resource Review: Family Time Fitness“
May I have a drum roll, please?
And the winners of Parent at the Helm’s October 2011 Giveaway from Family Time Fitness are:
…lwh and Suzy!
Congratulations, ladies! I’ll send you an e-mail so you can confirm where you will like your subscription sent.
And Now, for Some Sad Giveaway News
As a mom who homeschooled on a tight budget – you might even call it a strangling budget – I very much enjoy providing our giveaway resources because I know how much every little bit helps. In the case of a giveaway, the joy is two-fold because at the same time, Parent at the Helm is helping entrepreneurs spread the word about the products they create to support and encourage the homeschooling community.
This is why I’m so very sad to share there will be not be another giveaway. Apparently, there are now all kinds of rules and regulations that must be followed in order to do a giveaway legally, and the powers-that-be are clamping down on unlawful ones. According to the attorneys interviewed for the article I read, a giveaway is really a “sweepstakes.” I’d be more than happy to continue if I had a lawyer versed in such things at my beck and call to review the materials published. Unfortunately, no attorney has stepped up to work for free – I know you’re shocked so take a moment to catch your breath…I’ll wait for you.
Sans lawyer, I’m choosing to err on the side of caution, and hope you understand the predicament.
The good news is that we’ll continue providing the reviews of products and books that you’ve come to expect from Parent at the Helm.
Thank you so very much for your continuing support of Parent at the Helm. Remember, I love to hear from you so always feel free to send me a note about what’s on your mind.
Enjoy the homeschooling journey!