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Linda Dobson Talks
with The Unplugged Mom
On April 29, 2011, The Unplugged Mom, a.k.a. Laurette Lynn, aired the interview she conducted with Parent at the Helm’s creator, Linda Dobson, some days earlier.
Laurette did a great job asking questions. The hour flew by as it feltĀ very much like talking with a friend over coffee about mutual interests and the well being of children across the country and around the world. The interview covered a wide variety of aspects of home education, including “the homeschool continuum,” a concept Linda created and shared in her book, Homeschooling The Early Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3- to 8-Year-Old Child. Linda’s research of a sampling of homeschool families revealed that, by and large, families tended to move about “a line” that has school-at-home on one end, and unschooling at the other, depending on the children’s needs and the family’s circumstances. She also found that people tended to move toward less structure, away from the school model, the longer they were living the homeschooling lifestyle.
Linda Dobson and Laurette Lynn Talk about Homeschooling
You can find out more about the continuum and lots more by listening in to the conversation here:
You can hear the show here (42 minutes) or
you can download the audio file (9.1 mb zip file)
and listen on your own mp3 player at your leisure.
Right-click the link and choose “Save Link As…”
to save the document to your computer
See also “Fun with the Sociable Homeschooler.”
You’ll find many interesting interviews conducted by The Unplugged Mom. Along with Linda Dobson there are interviews with John Taylor Gatto, Wendy Priesnitz, Lisa Neilsen and many more.