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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach

Parent at the Helm’s January Book Giveaway

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Parent at the Helm’s


Award-winning Home Education Magazine has been published since 1984 by Mark and Helen Hegener and their third-generation homeschooling family. Each issue inspires, informs and invigorates readers. Now, some of the best from 1995 to 1999 has been collected and edited by Laura Weldon, and you have a chance to win a copy!

Homeschool Reader

The Homeschool Reader: Series 1995-1999: Collected Articles from Home Education Magazine

Edited by Laura Weldon

Home Education Press (June 29, 2010)

ISBN-10: 0945097328

ISBN-13: 978-0945097327

Now get your own “best of” volume, a newly released The Homeschool Reader: Series 1995-1999: Collected Articles from Home Education Magazine. It includes over 60 original articles written by homeschooling parents as well as grown homeschoolers. This carefully selected compilation covers the full range of homeschooling questions and concerns. It provides helpful hints, new perspectives and inspiration while also giving an enlightening look at how homeschooling families fill their days. The articles here, while directed at an already homeschooling readership, provide plenty of information and encouragement for anyone looking at this educational option.

Open at any page and you’ll find an article to treasure.

Don’t wait! Register to win today!

Contest Details

CONTEST DEADLINE: January 30, 2011; 11:59PM (EDT)


HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONTEST: To enter, submit a comment on the PARENT AT THE HELM January Giveaway blog article.

You are allowed one entry per book, with the exception of BLOGGERS: I know your pain! [g]! Blog about this giveaway, include the link to your post in your comment, and you will receive an extra entry in the contest as a thank you for all of your hard work! PARENT AT THE HELM is not responsible for errors, omissions, interruptions, deletions, defects in part or whole, delays in operations or transmission, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alterations of entry materials, or for any technical or non-technical network, telephonic, electronic, computer, hardware or software malfunctions of any kind, or inaccurate or partial transmission of or failure to receive entry information by PARENT AT THE HELM on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, at any Web site or at any combination of these.

WINNER SELECTION: The winner shall be selected using’s “Randomizer” on the morning of February 1, 2011.

ODDS OF WINNING: You’ve got great odds! Odds are determined by the number of entries received.

OBTAINING YOUR PRIZE: We will contact winner by email only. PARENT AT THE HELM will make a reasonable effort to contact you on the day you are determined as winner, but we are not responsible for misdirected notification because of problems with the e-mail address you provide to us. If we cannot reach you, you may be disqualified, with an alternate winner selected. In addition, a winner who does not comply with the Official Rules will be disqualified and an alternate winner will be selected. Return of any prize or prize notification as “undeliverable” will result in disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected.

CONDITIONS: Your participation binds you to these official rules. By participating, you waive any right to claim ambiguity of said rules. All decisions regarding this contest, including, but not limited to, selecting winners, will be made by PARENT AT THE HELM. That decision is final. As winner you are solely responsible for any applicable federal, state and local taxes.

ANNOUNCING THE PRIZE WINNER: We’ll let you know who won on this blog after the February 1, 2011, drawing.

Copy the code below to your web site.

Reader Feedback

22 Responses to “Parent at the Helm’s January Book Giveaway”

  1. Juliana says:

    I would love to win this – I've been reading Home Education for 15 years now.

  2. I think this would be a wonderful resource! Hoping to win it!

  3. Kari Z says:

    Please sign me up for a chance to win. I am awaiting my first issue of HEM. My mom got me a sub for Christmas. This would go nicely with that. Thanks. 🙂

  4. Laura says:

    Thanks for this opportunity to win a great giveaway!

  5. michelle c says:

    I would love to win this.. it would be a great resource and a great read!

  6. Jody F says:

    Thanks for the great opportunity!

  7. julia says:

    would love this as a newbie homeschooler!

  8. Mrs. Mandy says:

    Looks great. I would love to win as I am in need of major pick me ups right about now!

    300sms at gmail dot com

  9. Jozi says:

    I would enjoy reading the articles and tips.

  10. I'd love to be entered in this drawing, Linda. Thanks a bunch. I'll also post it on my blog 🙂

  11. Hey, Carol, thanks for the extra post on your blog! Give me a heads-up w/ a ping or something, and I'll make sure you get your second entry – good luck to you and everyone!

    All best,


  12. Susan Getty says:

    I would love a chance to win this book! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂 I also posted it on our blog:

  13. Melody says:

    I would love to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.

  14. Michele V. says:

    Would love this book! I read every issue of HEM cover to cover and recommend it to every homeschooling parent I meet. Thanks for the chance to win such a great resource! Best wishes, Michele V.

  15. liz says:

    I would love to have this book! We are just starting out as homeschoolers. Thanks for your fantastic blog.

  16. Melissa says:

    Hi Linda. I would love this book!!! Thanks!

  17. Traci Wampler says:

    Hello Linda,

    I recently got an older copy from my library system and felt inspired by several of the articles. I am fairly relaxed about our schooling, so far and loved the book recommendations, etc in reading and writing, math and science. Great articles!

  18. Tina Piper says:

    I would love to win this:)

  19. keela cleghorn says:

    I have one hs reader from a few years ago; I could really use a second one, though!

  20. Becky Keasler says:

    I would love to win this.I need all the help I can get and HEM always has good advice.Thanks for the chance to win.

  21. Sonya Lorimer says:

    Oh, I would love to win this! Awesome giveaway, thanks!

    • Hi, Sonya, I’m sorry to note that this giveaway was from a previous January, and there aren’t any giveaways going on at the moment. Stay posted, and I’m glad to have you visit Parent at the Helm…look forward to seeing you every day!

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