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If it seemed a bit quiet here yesterday, that’s because we’ve been hard at work preparing a new presentation of the information and news of vital importance to parents and caretakers of school-aged children.
As they say, we hope you’ll pardon our dust. Right now we anticipate going live tomorrow or Monday (keep your fingers and toes crossed for us) and tweaking as we go along, so please contact us with any quirks you find, as well as forgive us our quirks – we seem to possess quite a few. <g>If you’ve been receiving feeds, we hope you’ll take a few moments out of this first week of the new year and decade, visit our Internet presence, and check out what we’ve done. We’ll be watching for you, so be sure to leave a comment for us…we love hearing from you!
Have you voted for your favorite Parent at the Helm category of 2009 yet? If not, please sail on over to Parent at the Helm today, as we’ll be closing the poll during our big move.
I’m so excited about this I may not be able to sleep tonight, kinda like the kid who has worked really hard on a gift for Mom and can’t wait until Christmas Day dawns so she can give it to her. Right now I’m so glad I never totally grew up.