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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach


Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family’s Time and Minds? Is It Time to Loosen the Grip »

Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family's Time and Minds? BY LINDA DOBSON We know those who [...]

What If… What If… »

What If... BY LINDA DOBSON What if we practiced the Golden Rule with children...all children? What [...]

Why Homeschooling Isolation Is Such a Silly Myth Why Homeschooling Isolation »

Why Homeschooling Isolation Is Such a Silly Myth   BY LINDA DOBSON When researchers got [...]

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Is Homeschooling a Teenager »

Is Homeschooling a Teenager Different than Homeschooling an Elementary School-Aged Child?

Is Homeschooling a Teenager Different than Homeschooling an Elementary School-Aged Child? BY CAFI COHEN Teenage homeschooling presented a new set of [Read More]


Make a Mother’s Day Gift – Fantastic, Fun and FREE Make a »

Make a Mother's Day Gift - Fantastic, Fun, and FREE   BY LINDA DOBSON I get [...]

Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!) Moms Who Saved »

Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!) BY LINDA [...]

Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks? Homeschooling: Do I »

Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO You need to use [...]


Book Review: The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community and Self Book Review: The Art of »

Book Review: The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community and Self By Beth [...]

Book Review: Suddenly Homeschooling Book Review: Suddenly »

 Book Review: Suddenly Homeschooling By Beth Balmanno For some families, choosing homeschooling is a [...]

Book Review: Earn It, Learn It Book Review: Earn It, Learn It »

Book Review: Earn It, Learn It By Beth Balmanno When it comes to chores and allowance, our family [...]


Homeschooling Resources: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!

Homeschooling Resources: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!

Homeschooling Resources: Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month! BY REBECCA RUPP All right, everybody – JUNE is NATIONAL FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES MONTH.  Which isn’t to say that June is the only time for fresh fruit and vegetables. Still, it’s always fun to celebrate. My latest non-fiction book, How Carrots Won the Trojan [...]

Homeschooling Resources: Trains!

Homeschooling Resources: Trains!

Homeschooling Resources: Trains! BY REBECCA RUPP EDITOR'S NOTE: May 11, 2013, was officially NATIONAL TRAIN DAY. But despite the fact that I slept through knowledge of it on the special day, I know that the following list of resources is too useful and brimming with resources your children will love to keep under wraps for another whole year - [...]

Awesome Lists for Homeschooling Families

Awesome Lists for Homeschooling Families

Awesome Lists for Homeschooling Families BY LINDA DOBSON In today's wired world, there are so many resources available for homeschooling families and others who appreciate fun learning opportunities outside the schoolhouse walls that a parent could spend so much time looking for resources that there's no time left for the fun! In the [...]

National Women’s History Month: Let’s Hear It for the Girls!

National Women’s History Month: Let’s Hear It for the Girls!

Homeschooling Resources MARCH IS NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH! LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE GIRLS! BY REBECCA RUPP March is National Women’s History Month – all 31 days of it – and luckily there are dozens of wonderful books and resources to go along with it. And, of course, they’re not just for girls. Check out some of [...]

Freebie February for Your Homeschool

Freebie February for Your Homeschool

Freebie February for Your Homeschool I'm excited to announce that Parent at the Helm is going to be a part of’s first ever, Freebie February! During Freebie February,  educational websites, curriculum providers, and authors, offer free samples of their curricula and free copies of their books to the members and guests of [...]

Homeschooling Resources: It’s Soup Month!

Homeschooling Resources: It’s Soup Month!

Homeschooling Resources: It's Soup Month! BY REBECCA RUPP January is National Soup Month! Check out this list for soup stories, soup poems, historical soup, scientific soup, artistic soup (well, artistic soup cans), and even soup on the silver screen. National Soup Month In Kate Banks’s Alphabet Soup (Dragonfly Books, 1994), a little [...]

Homeschooling Resources: Let It Snow!

Homeschooling Resources: Let It Snow!

Homeschooling Resources: Let It Snow! BY REBECCA RUPP Got snow? Whether you do or not, it’s fun stuff. Check out these books and resources – and included, for those who don’t, are sources for making your very own snow.  Ezra Jack Keats’s 1963 Caldecott-Medal-winning The Snowy Day (Viking Juvenile, 2011) is a beloved classic about a [...]

Did You Know These Women Were Homeschooled?

Did You Know These Women Were Homeschooled?

Did You Know These Women Were Homeschooled? BY LINDA DOBSON It's interesting to see how many firsts, founders, feminists, and reformers appear when we visit historical women who were homeschooled. Famous Homeschooled Women For starters, there's Susan B. Anthony (1820 - 1906), the reformer and women's rights leader. Susan could read and [...]

Homeschooling Resources: Studying Squirrels

Homeschooling Resources: Studying Squirrels

Homeschooling Resources: Studying Squirrels BY REBECCA RUPP             October not only features Columbus Day, Leif Erikson Day, Pablo Picasso’s birthday, and Halloween – it’s SQUIRREL AWARENESS MONTH! Become a citizen squirrel scientist! Project Squirrel at wants volunteers of all ages from [...]

Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President

Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President

Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President By Rebecca Rupp Who says you’re too young to vote? Make your voice known! Register online (it’s free) at the National Student Mock Election at and cast your vote for president. Also available at the website are detailed downloadable lesson plans and [...]

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